South32 Mine – Illawarra Metalurgical Coal

Illawarra Metallurgical coal in New South Wales, produces high-quality metallurgical coat use for steelmaking, which is shipped around Australia and around the world.

History and location

Our Illawarra Metallurgical Coal operations are in the Illawarra and Wollondilly regions of the southern coalfields of New South Wales, about 75 kilometres south of Sydney.

Steeped in coal mining history dating back more than 150 years, the region’s first coal mines opened in the early nineteenth century.

Soon after, collieries were developed to mine coal for the growing local steel industry and labourers settled into the area, bringing their families with them. Roads, schools and hospitals followed, and communities flourished.

It is a legacy etched into the way of life.

Our history of coal mining around these parts began in 1935 at Wongawilli Colliery.